Wednesday, October 10, 2012

assignment for lab2

1. Beverly Hills quadrangle

2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood.

3. The year of 1995.

4. National geodetic vertical datum of 1929; NAD27; NAD83;

5. fractional scale: 1:24000; bar scale:

6. a) 1200 meters.

b) 1.89 miles.

c) 2.64 inches.

d) 12.5 centimeters.

7. 20 feet.

8. a) -118026’15’’W, 34004’30’’ N     -118.43750W, 34.0750N

b) -118033’00’’ W, 34000’27’’ N      -118.550W, 34.00750N

c) -118024’03’’W, 34007’06’’N       -118.4008330W, 34.1183330N

9. a) 560 feet     170.688 meters.

b) 140 feet     42.67 meters.

c) It covers an area from 620feet to 860feet. (from 188.976meters to 262.128 meters)

10. Zone 11.

11. 372000mE, 3763000mN (UTM easting 372000, UTM northing 3763000)

12. 1000,000 square meters.


14. 14 degrees.

15. from North to South, and from East to West.


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